Contaminated Online Convex Optimization

Tomoya Kamijima · Shinji Ito


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In online convex optimization, some efficient algorithms have been designed for each of the individual classes of objective functions, e.g., convex, strongly convex, and exp-concave. However, existing regret analyses, including those of universal algorithms, are limited to cases in which the objective functions in all rounds belong to the same class and cannot be applied to cases in which the property of objective functions may change in each time step. This paper introduces a novel approach to address such cases, proposing a new regime we term as \textit{contaminated} online convex optimization. For the contaminated case, we demonstrate that the regret is lower bounded by $\Omega(\log T + \sqrt{k})$. Here, $k$ signifies the level of contamination in the objective functions. We also demonstrate that the regret is bounded by $O(\log T+\sqrt{k\log T})$ when universal algorithms are used. When our proposed algorithms with additional information are employed, the regret is bounded by $O(\log T+\sqrt{k})$, which matches the lower bound. These are intermediate bounds between a convex case and a strongly convex or exp-concave case.